Don't just apply to college… Position yourself.

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...  in 2020 and would like to engage our services to develop a college list, please email Deborah in spring 2019 to schedule a free telephone ...

Preparing for Pre-Professional Programs: Pre-Medicine

...  can you offer to help prepare for a pre-health program in college? It is a complicated process! Let me suggest an approach for clarifying ...  sciences required by the AAMC. Determining the target population may help your son or daughter decide on a medical specialty, ...

The Coalition versus the Common Application

...  -Alan Watts. In 2016, the first phase of a new online college preparation and application platform was launched by the Coalition for Access, Affordability and Success, powered by CollegeNet. The coalition the following membership criteria: "...public ...

First Day of May

...  fresh natural fragrances of the first day of May. As a college consultant, I welcome May first as the closing of one book and the opening of another. The stressful college process is, for the most part, finally finished, a crucible that ...

Ten Ways for Teens to Spend the Summer

...  words in the English language.” - Henry James. My college admissions consulting clients often ask how their high school students ...  for Teens: America's Top Classes, Camps, and Courses for College-Bound Students by Sandra Berger. Search the comprehensive Enrichment ...

Decision-Making 101

...  been quite prepared: to actually decide where to go to college. The decision is particularly complicated for students waitlisted at ...  that possibly lead to quite different futures. As a college consultant, I have been privy to the decision-making process of many ...

Move Your Application to the Top of the Pile

...  students in New Jersey and New York as they apply to college, I have become acquainted with many distinctive, talented adolescents. I have also observed many similarities, such as the colleges to which they gravitate and the fields of study that appeal to them. I ...

Teachers’ Recommendations: Mentorship 101

...  also be asking teachers for recommendations for the college application process? Whom, exactly, should your student ask? And... ...  and mentors to offer their insights, if the individual college permits it on its Common App supplement. I encourage families to add at ...

High School Testing Strategy and Timeline

...  we are not standardized testing tutors, at Position U 4 College, we generally advise students still living that nightmare. Recalling my ...  in the subject. You don't take them with a general college-bound population (like SAT or ACT); you take them with students who ...

The Best Public Universities for Out-of-State Applicants

...  state borders, however, and some are willing to send their college freshmen across the country to attend another state's university. In ...  The Rutgers and SUNY campuses generally do not win college town beauty contests or fabulous weather, despite excellent academic ...